ROBOTIS PLAY Workshop Guidelines
At the ROBOTIS PLAY workshop, children will be provided with a robot kit based on their age and interest to build their own creation. Children can either build one of the several example robots that the kit provides or they can create their own design. After the robot is constructed, there will be an activity that their creation could participate in. Come have fun while being creative!
Material Options:
Workshop Layout:
1 kit per child; suggested to have 20 maximum spaces per session
5:1 ratio of child per volunteer to adequately provide assistance
Takes average 30-45 minutes to assemble an example robot; may differ per kit and child
Allow child to bring creation to designated space for testing and playing with robot
Provide quick competition or event for child to use their robot
Before a participant ends their session they must return their creation back to their original building station
Each creation will need to be broken down by student before next participant as instructed
All correct amount of plates must be in each kit before breaking down workshop
Volunteer Instructions:
Must assign a single kit per child and assign them to designated workspaces
Each group must have proper orientation before using kit
Inserting and removing rivets (Please see Video)
Proper assembling techniques (ie. Wheel insertion)
Physical or digital (R+ Design) assembly manual
Monitor group progress until child is done and ready to play with robot
Designated volunteer will monitor the open activity (ie. race, sumo)
When child is finished with session and returns finished robot to their workspace, volunteer will need to break down the robot quickly based on following steps
PLAY 300/600
Remove limbs first
Remove main connecting points
Leave rivets in plates if possible

For more details or inquiries please email us at: